Not all ports have packages

Sir l33tname asked:

That’s a good question. It took some more questions on IRC for me to figure it out. Here is what I know.

The port in question is net-p2p/btsync and when I looked at it, I could see no reason for not building a package. When I asked on IRC, Dmitry Marakasov pointed out LICENSE_PERMS was the issue. Specifically, it did not contain pkg-mirror . Further conversation revealed that the best action for FreshPorts involved the following:


If _LICENSE_RESTRICTED contains delete-package or either of NO_PACKAGE and MANUAL_PACKAGE_BUILD is non-blank, do not expect a package to be present.

This requires three new fields in the FreshPorts database, one for each of those values. It will also require a little bit of code on the website to display a Package not available message.

I’ll add this to the list, and I have raised an issue.

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