Putting the new git-delta.sh into use on devgit.freshports.org

This outlines the steps for putting the new git-delta.sh script into use. These steps will be required on each ingress node.

stop ingress commit processing

Look at the output of sudo tail /var/log/freshports/git.log and you should see something like this:

[dan@devgit-ingress01:~] $ sudo tail /var/log/freshports/git.log
2021.06.27 17:21:05 git-delta.sh Repodir is /var/db/ingress/repos/src
2021.06.27 17:21:05 git-delta.sh Running: /usr/local/bin/git pull:
Already up to date.
2021.06.27 17:21:06 git-delta.sh Done.
2021.06.27 17:21:06 git-delta.sh STARTPOINT = b762974cf4b9ea77f1decf4a6d829372f0a97f75
2021.06.27 17:21:06 git-delta.sh Running: /usr/local/bin/git rev-list b762974cf4b9ea77f1decf4a6d829372f0a97f75..HEAD
2021.06.27 17:21:06 git-delta.sh Done.
2021.06.27 17:21:06 git-delta.sh No commits were found
2021.06.27 17:21:06 git-delta.sh /usr/local/libexec/freshports/git-to-freshports-xml.py --repo src --path /var/db/ingress/repos/src --commit b762974cf4b9ea77f1decf4a6d829372f0a97f75 --spooling /var/db/ingress/message-queues/spooling --output /var/db/ingress/message-queues/incoming
2021.06.27 17:21:06 git-delta.sh Ending

Since it was 13:21 and not close to a multiple of 3 (this script runs every 3 minutes), I knew that I could stop the ingress daemon:

[dan@devgit-ingress01:~] $ sudo service ingress stop
Stopping ingress.

Add the tags

The existing configuration uses files to store the ‘last commit’. See here:

[dan@devgit-ingress01:/var/db/ingress/repos] $ ls -l
total 28
drwxr-xr-x   7 ingress  ingress  11 Jun  5 18:51 doc
-rw-r--r--   1 ingress  ingress  41 Jun 27 17:21 latest.doc
-rw-r--r--   1 ingress  ingress  41 Jun 27 17:21 latest.ports
-rw-r--r--   1 ingress  ingress  41 Jun 27 17:21 latest.src
drwxr-xr-x  70 ingress  ingress  81 Jun 27 14:51 ports
drwxr-xr-x  27 ingress  ingress  44 Jun 27 01:00 src
[dan@devgit-ingress01:/var/db/ingress/repos] $ 

This is the script I created for that:


# The main branch is always origin/main - so far

repos="doc ports src"
for repo in $repos
  tag=$(cat latest.$repo)
  cd $repo
  git tag -m "last known commit of " -f freshports/origin/main $tag
  cd -

Running that:

$ # The main branch is always origin/main - so far
$ refname='origin/main'
$ repos="doc ports src"
$ for repo in $repos
> do
>   tag=$(cat latest.$repo)
>   cd $repo
>   git tag -m "last known commit of " -f freshports/origin/main $tag
>   cd -
> done

Not entirely exciting.

This is the script to display the existing values:


# The main branch is always origin/main - so far

repos="doc ports src"
for repo in $repos
  tag=$(cat latest.$repo)
  cd $repo
  git rev-parse --verify freshports/$refname^{}
  cd -

Running that:

[dan@devgit-ingress01:/var/db/ingress/repos] $ /bin/sh
$ # The main branch is always origin/main - so far
$ refname='origin/main'
$ repos="doc ports src"
$ for repo in $repos
> do
>   tag=$(cat latest.$repo)
>   cd $repo
>   git rev-parse --verify freshports/$refname
>   cd ..
> done
$ cat latest.doc
$ cat latest.ports
$ cat latest.src

That seems wrong. Why is the hash from the git rev-parse –verify not the same.

EDIT: 2021-07-09 The solution to seeing the actual commit hash is to change the line to:

git rev-parse --verify freshports/$refname^{}

That deferences the tag. The above code has since been updated with that change, for my convenience.

end EDIT.

I spent 30-45 minutes looking in that. Then I did this:

$ git show freshports/origin/main
tag freshports/origin/main
Tagger: Dan Langille <dan@langille.org>
Date:   Sun Jun 27 18:59:35 2021 +0000

last known commit of origin/main

commit 03ed448b501283f1e4d5dd0abb6847a91a32a79b (tag: freshports/origin/main)
Author: Rene Ladan <rene@FreeBSD.org>
Date:   Sun Jun 27 16:56:24 2021 +0200

    sysutils/bhyve-firmware: undeprecate CSM option
    The sysutils/uefi-edk2-bhyve port no longer needs Python 2.7

diff --git a/sysutils/bhyve-firmware/Makefile b/sysutils/bhyve-firmware/Makefile
index 1fb78f76049c..3c601a11f7ef 100644
--- a/sysutils/bhyve-firmware/Makefile
+++ b/sysutils/bhyve-firmware/Makefile
@@ -14,11 +14,4 @@ OPTIONS_DEFAULT=     CSM
 CSM_DESC=              Include firmware with Compatibility Support Module
 CSM_RUN_DEPENDS=       uefi-edk2-bhyve-csm>=0:sysutils/uefi-edk2-bhyve-csm
-.include <bsd.port.options.mk>

That commit hash matches the value in latest.ports. All is good. This has done the right thing.

Move the script into place

I copied the script from mydev to test-ingress01:

$ scp git-delta.sh devgit-ingress01:

Then moved it into to place:

[dan@devgit-ingress01:/var/db/ingress/repos] $ mv -i ~/git-delta.sh  /usr/local/libexec/freshports/git-delta.sh
[dan@devgit-ingress01:/var/db/ingress/repos] $ sudo pkg check -sr
Checking all packages:  87%
py38-freshports-git-proc-commit-0.0.4_1: checksum mismatch for /usr/local/libexec/freshports/git-delta.sh
Checking all packages: 100%
[dan@devgit-ingress01:/var/db/ingress/repos] $ ls -l /usr/local/libexec/freshports/git-delta.sh
-rwxr-xr-x  1 dan  dan  3977 Jun 27 18:57 /usr/local/libexec/freshports/git-delta.sh

Yep, that’s the right file.

I’m overwriting the file usually installed by package. Most of /usr/local/libexec/freshports/ is part of an svn co of the code. But a few files are not.

[dan@devgit-ingress01:/usr/local/libexec/freshports] $ svn st
?       .idea
?       UpdatePackagesFromRawPackages.py
?       check_freshports_cache_clearing
?       check_git.sh
?       check_report_logs.pl
?       check_repos_for_new_stuff.py
?       fetch-extract-parse-import-one-abi.sh
?       get_packagesite.txz_date
?       git-delta.sh
?       git-range-of-commits.sh
?       git-single-commit.sh
?       git-to-freshports-xml.py
?       helper_scripts
?       import-via-copy-packagesite-all-raw-fields.py
?       import_packagesite.py
?       show-config.sh
?       test-categories.pl
?       test-new-xml-code-single.sh
?       test-new-xml-code-starting-from.sh
?       testing.pm
[dan@devgit-ingress01:/usr/local/libexec/freshports] $ pkg info -l py38-freshports-git-proc-commit 
[dan@devgit-ingress01:/usr/local/libexec/freshports] $ 

Now let’s wake up the sleeping ingress daemon.

Trying out the script

I’m going to run the ingress daemon after stopping the freshports daemon. I want to look for incoming commits and create the XML, but I don’t want to process the XML.

$ sudo service freshports stop
Stopping freshports.

Now start:

[dan@devgit-ingress01:~] $ sudo service ingress start
Starting ingress.

And the logs pile up:

[dan@devgit-ingress01:/usr/local/libexec/freshports] $ sudo xtail /var/log/freshports/*.log
*** recently changed files ***
   1  27-Jun-21 19:36:09  /var/log/freshports/ingress-daemon.log
   2  27-Jun-21 19:36:09  /var/log/freshports/freshports.log
   3  27-Jun-21 17:21:06  /var/log/freshports/git.log
   4  27-Jun-21 17:15:11  /var/log/freshports/freshports-daemon.log
   5  27-Jun-21 03:04:23  /var/log/freshports/report-new-ports.daily.log
   6  27-Jun-21 03:04:22  /var/log/freshports/report-notification.daily.log
   7  27-Jun-21 03:03:01  /var/log/freshports/report-security.daily.log
   8  27-Jun-21 00:00:00  /var/log/freshports/report-notification.weekly.log
currently watching:  15 files  0 dirs  0 unknown entries

*** /var/log/freshports/ingress-daemon.log ***
Jun 27 19:37:34 devgit-ingress01 ingress[74579]: starting up!
Jun 27 19:37:34 devgit-ingress01 ingress[74579]: incoming: /var/db/ingress/message-queues/incoming
Jun 27 19:37:34 devgit-ingress01 ingress[74579]: ready
Jun 27 19:37:34 devgit-ingress01 ingress[74579]: yes, there is a job waiting
Jun 27 19:37:34 devgit-ingress01 ingress[74579]: running /usr/local/bin/perl ./job-waiting.pl
Jun 27 19:37:34 devgit-ingress01 ingress[74579]: from directory  /usr/local/libexec/freshports
Jun 27 19:37:34 devgit-ingress01 ingress[74579]: -rw-r--r--  1 dan  dan  2421 May  9 12:36 ./job-waiting.pl

*** /var/log/freshports/freshports.log ***
Jun 27 19:37:34 devgit-ingress01 FreshPorts[74582]: running job-waiting.pl 
Jun 27 19:37:34 devgit-ingress01 FreshPorts[74582]: starting ./job-waiting.pl (/usr/local/libexec/freshports) 
Jun 27 19:37:34 devgit-ingress01 FreshPorts[74582]: running ./job-waiting.pl as user = 'ingress' (/usr/local/libexec/freshports) 
Jun 27 19:37:34 devgit-ingress01 FreshPorts[74582]: checking jobs for ingress (/usr/local/libexec/freshports) 
Jun 27 19:37:34 devgit-ingress01 FreshPorts[74582]: /var/db/ingress/signals/check_git exists.  About to run check_git.sh (/usr/local/libexec/freshports) 
Jun 27 19:37:34 devgit-ingress01 check_git.sh[74584]: /usr/local/libexec/freshports/check_git.sh has started

*** /var/log/freshports/git.log ***
2021.06.27 19:37:34 git-delta.sh has started. Will check these repos: 'doc ports src'
2021.06.27 19:37:34 git-delta.sh XML dir is /var/db/ingress/message-queues/incoming
2021.06.27 19:37:34 git-delta.sh Now processing repo: doc
2021.06.27 19:37:34 git-delta.sh REPODIR='/var/db/ingress/repos/doc' exists
2021.06.27 19:37:34 git-delta.sh Repodir is /var/db/ingress/repos/doc
2021.06.27 19:37:34 git-delta.sh Running: /usr/local/bin/git fetch:
2021.06.27 19:37:34 git-delta.sh Done.
looking at origin/HEAD
looking at origin/main
working on 'origin/main'
2021.06.27 19:37:34 git-delta.sh Running: /usr/local/bin/git rev-list freshports/origin/main..origin/main
2021.06.27 19:37:34 git-delta.sh Done.
2021.06.27 19:37:34 git-delta.sh No commits were found
2021.06.27 19:37:34 git-delta.sh /usr/local/libexec/freshports/git-to-freshports-xml.py --repo doc --path /var/db/ingress/repos/doc ---commit-range /origin/main..origin/main --spooling /var/db/ingress/message-queues/spooling --output /var/db/ingress/message-queues/incoming
/usr/local/libexec/freshports/git-delta.sh: ${freshports/...}: Bad substitution
2021.06.27 19:37:34 git-delta.sh Now processing repo: ports
2021.06.27 19:37:34 git-delta.sh REPODIR='/var/db/ingress/repos/ports' exists
2021.06.27 19:37:34 git-delta.sh Repodir is /var/db/ingress/repos/ports
2021.06.27 19:37:34 git-delta.sh Running: /usr/local/bin/git fetch:
From https://git.FreeBSD.org/ports
   03ed448b5012..16bef8b16b7f  main       -> origin/main
   3a6240c21278..ae162bd98935  2021Q2     -> origin/2021Q2
2021.06.27 19:37:36 git-delta.sh Done.
looking at origin/2014Q1
looking at origin/2014Q2
looking at origin/2014Q3
looking at origin/2014Q4
looking at origin/2015Q1
looking at origin/2015Q2
looking at origin/2015Q3
looking at origin/2015Q4
looking at origin/2016Q1
looking at origin/2016Q2
looking at origin/2016Q3
looking at origin/2016Q4
looking at origin/2017Q1
looking at origin/2017Q2
looking at origin/2017Q3
looking at origin/2017Q4
looking at origin/2018Q1
looking at origin/2018Q2
looking at origin/2018Q3
looking at origin/2018Q4
looking at origin/2019Q1
looking at origin/2019Q2
looking at origin/2019Q3
looking at origin/2019Q4
looking at origin/2020Q1
looking at origin/2020Q2
looking at origin/2020Q3
looking at origin/2020Q4
looking at origin/2021Q1
looking at origin/2021Q2
working on 'origin/2021Q2'
'git tag -l freshports/origin/2021Q2' found nothing
Let's find the first commit in this branch
First ref is '4e3cf0163c4a00d4dac41d6da43472d2fcab2f29'
taging that now:
2021.06.27 19:37:36 git-delta.sh Running: /usr/local/bin/git rev-list freshports/origin/2021Q2..origin/2021Q2
2021.06.27 19:37:36 git-delta.sh Done.
2021.06.27 19:37:36 git-delta.sh The commits found are:
2021.06.27 19:37:36 git-delta.sh ae162bd989359e2e599a2b9cb58da87bdec05fab
2021.06.27 19:37:36 git-delta.sh 3a6240c2127867111d6eb18e39f539e35e3ffad7

[redacted for brevity]

2021.06.27 19:37:37 git-delta.sh 144bb249fc6f49387b8e0ba2cd27ef5f61430224
2021.06.27 19:37:37 git-delta.sh 5fbb95157840f744df004acd2e9a56b68422a632
2021.06.27 19:37:37 git-delta.sh ba68dd511d88a2fb6c4fefb53bc401b0f86e3217
2021.06.27 19:37:37 git-delta.sh /usr/local/libexec/freshports/git-to-freshports-xml.py --repo ports --path /var/db/ingress/repos/ports ---commit-range /origin/2021Q2..origin/2021Q2 --spooling /var/db/ingress/message-queues/spooling --output /var/db/ingress/message-queues/incoming
/usr/local/libexec/freshports/git-delta.sh: ${freshports/...}: Bad substitution
2021.06.27 19:37:37 git-delta.sh Now processing repo: src
2021.06.27 19:37:37 git-delta.sh REPODIR='/var/db/ingress/repos/src' exists
2021.06.27 19:37:37 git-delta.sh Repodir is /var/db/ingress/repos/src
2021.06.27 19:37:37 git-delta.sh Running: /usr/local/bin/git fetch:
From https://git.FreeBSD.org/src
   b762974cf4b..c7f048ab353  main       -> origin/main
2021.06.27 19:37:38 git-delta.sh Done.
looking at origin/HEAD
looking at origin/main
working on 'origin/main'
2021.06.27 19:37:38 git-delta.sh Running: /usr/local/bin/git rev-list freshports/origin/main..origin/main
2021.06.27 19:37:38 git-delta.sh Done.
2021.06.27 19:37:38 git-delta.sh The commits found are:
2021.06.27 19:37:38 git-delta.sh c7f048ab3532a9f081addd6da0adf96f25271de8
2021.06.27 19:37:38 git-delta.sh 914b6a0122c3032c2c2ae3a44bdeaf69e37efd61
2021.06.27 19:37:38 git-delta.sh /usr/local/libexec/freshports/git-to-freshports-xml.py --repo src --path /var/db/ingress/repos/src ---commit-range /origin/main..origin/main --spooling /var/db/ingress/message-queues/spooling --output /var/db/ingress/message-queues/incoming
/usr/local/libexec/freshports/git-delta.sh: ${freshports/...}: Bad substitution
2021.06.27 19:37:38 git-delta.sh Ending

*** /var/log/freshports/ingress-daemon.log ***
Jun 27 19:37:38 devgit-ingress01 ingress[74579]: job-waiting.pl finishes normally

*** /var/log/freshports/freshports.log ***
Jun 27 19:37:38 devgit-ingress01 check_git.sh[75322]: /usr/local/libexec/freshports/check_git.sh has finished
Jun 27 19:37:38 devgit-ingress01 FreshPorts[74582]: Finished running check_git.sh (/usr/local/libexec/freshports) 
Jun 27 19:37:38 devgit-ingress01 FreshPorts[74582]: flag '/var/db/ingress/signals/check_git' not set.  no work for check_git.sh (/usr/local/libexec/freshports) 

The main issue I see is the Bad substitution errors on line 47, 104, and 121. If you look back at lines 115-118 at the bottom of Processing commits on branches with git – part 2. In short:




I also see that I need to set the tag freshports/origin/2021Q2 on the ports repo (see line 87 above). I’ve already processed some of those commits last weekend. Looking at https://devgit.freshports.org/?branch=quarterly I see the last commit (as of when I type this) is 5ceea22.

This is how I set that tag:

[dan@devgit-ingress01:~] $ sudo su -l ingress
$ bash
[ingress@devgit-ingress01 ~]$ cd repos/ports
[ingress@devgit-ingress01 ~/repos/ports]$ git tag -m "last known commit of freshports/origin/2021Q2" -f freshports/origin/2021Q2 5ceea227c504d2892d91c1aa8d8d81ff15b22fc3
Updated tag 'freshports/origin/2021Q2' (was dbbd50cc2513)
[ingress@devgit-ingress01 ~/repos/ports]$ 

The second run

On the second run, the found commits looked good, but git-to-freshports-xml.py was bringing in port commits from 1994-08-21, doc commits from 1995-08-27, and src commits from 1993-06-12. In short, it was building XML files for the entire repo. I don’t want that, not right now. Someone day we can look at importing all commits, but I suspect there will be infrastructure changes which are not backwards compatible with port commits.

Now I’m into debugging and I won’t post all of this work.

I think /usr/local/libexec/freshports/git-to-freshports-xml.py needs to be updated.

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