homepage – post correction

By “post correction”, I meant “post-correction script”, i.e. after the correction script completed.

A recent commit started the process of moving the WWW from pkg-descr to Makefile. These were huge commits, about 27930 ports each. FreshPorts is dumb. It sees a commit and it refreshes all ports touched by that commit. Refreshing every port takes a long time. It’s not just running make -V and extracting values. It looks at DEPENDS, pkg-plist, refreshes secondary ports based on changes to primary ports. Some ports take a second to do this. Some take 5-7 seconds. Even at 1 second per port, we’re looking at about 8 hours to process these commits.

That’s not the big issue. The bigger issue was the clearing out of all existing homepage values. With no WWW entry in pkg-descr, FreshPorts set that value as emtpy in the database.

The solution: update the code to use make -V WWW and if empty, take the value from pkg-descr. This “if empty” option would allow quarterly branch ports to continue to work.

The diff for the code change is not big.

With new code packaged and a refresh-ports scripts ready to go, I started rolling the changes out to dev, test, stage, and prod. This whole process took about about a week, based on this first tweet.

The results


The purpose of this blog post is to record any differences between the various FreshPorts databases in case that become relevant later.

The goal: how many [active] ports have empty homepages? By active, I mean non-deleted ports; ports you would find in a git clone output.


On dev, we have 1465 such ports.

freshports.devgit=#   SELECT count(*)
    FROM ports_active PA JOIN element_pathname EP on PA.element_id = EP.element_id
where EP.pathname like '/ports/head/%'
  AND (PA.homepage is null or trim(PA.homepage) = '');
(1 row)


On <span class="cmd">test</span>, we have 1465 such ports.

freshports.testgit=#   SELECT count(*)
    FROM ports_active PA JOIN element_pathname EP on PA.element_id = EP.element_id
where EP.pathname like '/ports/head/%'
  AND (PA.homepage is null or trim(PA.homepage) = '');
(1 row)


On <span class="cmd">stage</span>, we have 1347 such ports.

You are now connected to database "freshports.stagegit" as user "dan".
freshports.stagegit=#   SELECT count(*)
    FROM ports_active PA JOIN element_pathname EP on PA.element_id = EP.element_id
where EP.pathname like '/ports/head/%'
  AND (PA.homepage is null or trim(PA.homepage) = '');
(1 row)


On <span class="cmd">prod</span>, we have 1465 such ports.

freshports.devgit=#   SELECT count(*)
    FROM ports_active PA JOIN element_pathname EP on PA.element_id = EP.element_id
where EP.pathname like '/ports/head/%'
  AND (PA.homepage is null or trim(PA.homepage) = '');
(1 row)

<h2>What's next?</h2>

I want to see the differences between these results. Which ports are different? That shouldn't take much. A short script to pull out the results. A few diff statements.

<h3>dev vs stage</h3>

The results have been captured into files:

<pre class="screen">
[pro02 dan ~/tmp/homepages] % wc -l *
    1464 dev
    1345 prod
    1346 stage
    1464 test
    5619 total

It looks like <span class="file">dev</span> and <span class="file">test</span> match:

[pro02 dan ~/tmp/homepages] % diff -ruN dev test
[pro02 dan ~/tmp/homepages] % 

The big diff is dev vs stage and seem related to libreoffice:

[pro02 dan ~/tmp/homepages] % diff -ruN dev stage
--- dev	2022-09-14 07:45:03.000000000 -0400
+++ stage	2022-09-14 07:43:47.000000000 -0400
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
- /ports/head/arabic/libreoffice
@@ -87,8 +86,6 @@
- /ports/head/chinese/libreoffice-zh_CN
- /ports/head/chinese/libreoffice-zh_TW
@@ -312,109 +309,6 @@
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-af
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-am
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-as
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-ast
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-be
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-bg
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-bn
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-bn_IN
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-bo
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-br
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-brx
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-bs
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-ca
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-ca_valencia
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-ckb
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-cs
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-cy
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-da
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-dgo
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-dsb
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-dz
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-el
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-en_GB
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-en_ZA
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-eo
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-es
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-et
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-eu
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-fa
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-fi
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-fur
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-fy
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-ga
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-gd
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-gl
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-gu
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-gug
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-hi
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-hr
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-hsb
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-id
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-is
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-it
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-ka
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-kab
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-kk
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-km
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-kmr_Latn
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-kn
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-kok
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-ks
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-lb
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-lo
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-lt
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-lv
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-mai
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-mk
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-ml
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-mn
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-mni
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-mr
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-my
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-nb
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-ne
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-nl
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-nn
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-nr
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-nso
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-oc
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-om
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-or
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-pa_IN
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-ro
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-rw
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-sa_IN
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-sat
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-sd
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-si
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-sid
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-sk
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-sl
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-sq
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-sr
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-sr_Latn
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-ss
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-st
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-sv
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-sw_TZ
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-szl
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-ta
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-te
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-tg
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-th
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-tn
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-tr
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-ts
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-tt
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-ug
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-uz
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-ve
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-vec
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-xh
- /ports/head/editors/libreoffice-zu
@@ -429,7 +323,6 @@
- /ports/head/french/libreoffice
@@ -555,7 +448,6 @@
- /ports/head/german/libreoffice
@@ -593,9 +485,7 @@
- /ports/head/hebrew/libreoffice
- /ports/head/hungarian/libreoffice
@@ -627,7 +517,6 @@
- /ports/head/japanese/libreoffice
@@ -655,7 +544,6 @@
- /ports/head/korean/libreoffice
@@ -935,7 +823,6 @@
- /ports/head/polish/libreoffice
@@ -954,8 +841,6 @@
- /ports/head/portuguese/libreoffice
- /ports/head/portuguese/libreoffice-pt_BR
@@ -1002,7 +887,6 @@
- /ports/head/russian/libreoffice
@@ -1227,8 +1111,6 @@
- /ports/head/ukrainian/libreoffice
- /ports/head/vietnamese/libreoffice
[pro02 dan ~/tmp/homepages] %                                                                     7:46:13

Whereas, stage and prod have only one difference:

[pro02 dan ~/tmp/homepages] % diff -ruN stage prod
--- stage	2022-09-14 07:43:47.000000000 -0400
+++ prod	2022-09-14 07:48:59.000000000 -0400
@@ -560,7 +560,6 @@
- /ports/head/lang/linux-dotnet11-sdk
[pro02 dan ~/tmp/homepages] % 

It is time for more investigation.

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