My thanks go out the AWS team who deal with the credits for open source projects. FreshPorts hit a big problem in Sep/Oct and I thought the project was going to have a non-trivial bill to pay. The main FreshPorts nodes are hosted on AWS – there are other nodes.
Despite my own shortcomings (see below), AWS helped significantly. I don’t want to supply details for fear of setting precedents (BUT WAIT, you did it for FreshPorts, why can’t you do that for me!). yet, I am happy to tell you in person if you want to know.
However, I also need to point out that I think it’s my fault for getting in the situation in the first place. There are a few things I need to do for the future:
- Better budget tracking so I know when the credits are getting low
- Take action sooner because it can take a while to get additional credits
- Create a more accurate budget which will cover the whole year (and a bit more)
Thanks again.