If you’re committing a port, the physical category must be included in CATEGORIES. That is, sysutils/bacula-server/Makefile must have sysutils in CATEGORIES. When people move ports, they often overlook that issue. In a recent commit, 25 ports failed this test.
id | category_id | name | category -------+-------------+------------------------------+------------ 32308 | 91 | kde4-base-artwork | x11-themes 32311 | 52 | dragon | multimedia 32313 | 10 | p5-perlkde | devel 32315 | 25 | libkcompactdisc | audio 32318 | 10 | smokekde | devel 32320 | 25 | libkcddb | audio 32321 | 25 | kscd | audio 32322 | 3 | pairs | games 32323 | 10 | ruby-korundum | devel 32326 | 8 | krdc | net 32327 | 95 | kopete-kde4 | net-im 32332 | 20 | nepomuk-core | sysutils 32309 | 25 | kmix | audio 32310 | 10 | p5-perlqt | devel 32312 | 52 | kdemultimedia4-mplayerthumbs | multimedia 32314 | 10 | py-pykde4 | devel 32316 | 10 | smokeqt | devel 32317 | 10 | ruby-krossruby | devel 32319 | 25 | kio-audiocd | audio 32324 | 10 | ruby-qtruby | devel 32325 | 10 | py-pykdeuic4 | devel 32328 | 52 | kdemultimedia4-ffmpegthumbs | multimedia 32329 | 8 | krfb | net 32330 | 10 | smokegen | devel 32331 | 10 | py-krosspython | devel
Proposal: add a new sanity test which checks for this situation and alerts the committer.