Mk/ bug causes 5000 errrors….

Well, perhaps not 5000 errors, but quite a lot of errors. A recent change to Mk/ has caused all sorts of grief on two of the FreshPorts servers. The problem occurs when specifying PORTDIR. Here is an example: #!/bin/sh make -V BUILD_DEPENDS -V FORBIDDEN \ -f /usr/home/dan/ports/databases/p5-DBIx-Class/Makefile DISTDIR=/usr/ports/distfiles PORTSDIR=/usr/home/dan/ports make -V BUILD_DEPENDS -V FORBIDDEN \

Mk/ bug causes 5000 errrors…. Read More »

The committer field is not always an email address

This issue was brought to my attention by wxs (Wesley Shields). The issue is evident at When you get there, click on click on Commits Over Time by Committer and then wait for the page to load. Scroll down to the D’s. There you’ll see a few committers suffixed with ‘(ports committer)’. Looking in

The committer field is not always an email address Read More »

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