Kevin Fitzpatrick pointed out that the HTMLification code for FreshPorts was including a comma that wasn’t part of the URL. The comma in question is part of the Makefile for java/linux-sun-jdk14. In that file, you’ll find this:
IGNORE: You must manually fetch the J2SE SDK self-extracting file for the Linux platform (j2sdk-1_4_2_10-linux-i586.bin) from, place it in /usr/ports/distfiles and then run make again
The original text, as shown above, is plain text. FreshPorts has some code that creates adds hyperlinks for any URLs found in such text. The problem is that comma, right after the URL. Commas are allowed in URLs.
I’ve amended my regex to look for “, ” and all seems well now.
Thanks Kevin.
Keep up the great work I’ve been following your blog with anticipation for the end.. Do you have any more I can follow?
Yes, I do. It’s called: Don’t Spam.
I have removed the link to your website.