Out of date ports tree

Today I noticed a problem with my development machine. It has been in storage for about a month. Yesterday it started processing FreshPorts emails again. Overnight, I noticed a strange error which I could not follow:

Unusual System Events
Dec 31 20:33:11 ngaio FreshPorts[93781]: error executing make command for sysutils/rsyslog-mysql: This command (FreshPorts code 1): make -V PORTNAME -V PKGNAME -V DESCR -V CATEGORIES -V PORTVERSION -V PORTREVISION -V COMMENT -V COMMENTFILE -V MAINTAINER -V EXTRACT_SUFX -V BUILD_DEPENDS -V RUN_DEPENDS -V LIB_DEPENDS -V FORBIDDEN -V BROKEN -V DEPRECATED -V IGNORE -V MASTER_PORT -V LATEST_LINK -V NO_LATEST_LINK -V NO_PACKAGE -V PKGNAMEPREFIX -V PKGNAMESUFFIX -V PORTEPOCH -V RESTRICTED -V NO_CDROM -V EXPIRATION_DATE -V IS_INTERACTIVE -V ONLY_FOR_ARCHS -V NOT_FOR_ARCHS -f /usr/home/dan/ports/sysutils/rsyslog-mysql/Makefile DISTDIR=/usr/ports/distfiles PORTSDIR=/usr/home/dan/ports LOCALBASE=/nonexistentlocal X11BASE=/nonexistentx 2>/tmp/FreshPorts.sysutils.rsyslog-mysql.make-error.2007. produced this error: Error message is: make: cannot open /usr/home/dan/ports/sysutils/rsyslog-mysql/Makefile. (/usr/websites/freshports.org/scripts)
Dec 31 20:33:11 ngaio FreshPorts[93781]: error executing make command for sysutils/rsyslog-pgsql: This command (FreshPorts code 1): make -V PORTNAME -V PKGNAME -V DESCR -V CATEGORIES -V PORTVERSION -V PORTREVISION -V COMMENT -V COMMENTFILE -V MAINTAINER -V EXTRACT_SUFX -V BUILD_DEPENDS -V RUN_DEPENDS -V LIB_DEPENDS -V FORBIDDEN -V BROKEN -V DEPRECATED -V IGNORE -V MASTER_PORT -V LATEST_LINK -V NO_LATEST_LINK -V NO_PACKAGE -V PKGNAMEPREFIX -V PKGNAMESUFFIX -V PORTEPOCH -V RESTRICTED -V NO_CDROM -V EXPIRATION_DATE -V IS_INTERACTIVE -V ONLY_FOR_ARCHS -V NOT_FOR_ARCHS -f /usr/home/dan/ports/sysutils/rsyslog-pgsql/Makefile DISTDIR=/usr/ports/distfiles PORTSDIR=/usr/home/dan/ports LOCALBASE=/nonexistentlocal X11BASE=/nonexistentx 2>/tmp/FreshPorts.sysutils.rsyslog-pgsql.make-error.2007. produced this error: Error message is: make: cannot open /usr/home/dan/ports/sysutils/rsyslog-pgsql/Makefile. (/usr/websites/freshports.org/scripts)

It was for this commit against sysutils/rsyslog. The part I could not figure out was the references to pgsql (in bold above). It took me a while, and some debugging to figure it out.

Slave ports.

sysutils/rsyslog has three slave ports:

  1. sysutils/rsyslog-gssap
  2. sysutils/rsyslog-mysql
  3. sysutils/rsyslog-pgsql

sysutils/rsyslog-pgsql was added to the tree at 13 Dec 2007 17:01:01, at which time, the box was offline. Quite simply, the working copy of the ports tree used by FreshPorts on my development box was out of date by one month.

Solution: cvsup. Then run the commit again.

Problem solved. Now back to my movie: Turistas.

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