From time to time, ports/security/vuxml/vuln.xml gets a date field containing an invalid date. FreshPorts stores these entries in a table that looks like this: \d vuxml Table "public.vuxml" Column | Type | Modifiers ----------------+--------------+---------------------------------------------------- id | integer | not null default nextval('vuxml_id_seq'::regclass) vid | text | not null topic | text | not null description | text | not null date_discovery | text | date_entry | text | date_modified | text | status | character(1) | not null Indexes: "vuxml_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id) Referenced by: TABLE "vuxml_affected" CONSTRAINT "$1" FOREIGN KEY (vuxml_id) REFERENCES vuxml(id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "commit_log_ports_vuxml" CONSTRAINT "$1" FOREIGN KEY (vuxml_id) REFERENCES vuxml(id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE TABLE "vuxml_references" CONSTRAINT "$1" FOREIGN KEY (vuxml_id) REFERENCES vuxml(id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE
Of note is the three fields stored as TEXT values:
- date_discovery
- date_entry
- date_modifed
I do not know why this table was designed with text values. They should be date fields. But because they are text, errors such as this can slip in:
FreshPorts happily stores these values, but will later encounter a problem:
This message was generated by the FreshPorts Daemon. The database is at Could not execute SQL statement -- SELECT count(DISTINCT CLPV.port_id) AS ports, count(DISTINCT AS vulns FROM commit_log_ports_vuxml CLPV, vuxml V WHERE CLPV.vuxml_id = AND greatest(V.date_modified, V.date_entry, V.date_discovery)::date >= (current_date - interval '14 days')::date -- ... maybe invalid? -- hugs+kisses FreshPorts Daemon
The above SQL was created quite some time after the table was designed an in use.
I recently converted the vuxml table in my development copy of FreshPorts: begin; BEGIN alter table vuxml alter column date_discovery type date using date_discovery::date; ALTER TABLE alter table vuxml alter column date_entry type date using date_entry::date; ALTER TABLE alter table vuxml alter column date_modified type date using date_modified::date; ALTER TABLE commit; COMMIT
I’ll monitor how things go.
Today it caught another 2011-03-FIXME. At least it caught it at commit phase instead of later. Soon, I’ll write the code to notify the committer instead of just me.