This morning I was created with 6 emails, all announcing FAILED: MASTER_PORT, one for each FreshPorts node. Each was sent at 5AM (1000 UTC).

Something happened which upset every one of them. I have no idea why. However, I’m writing this down for future reference.

This announcement came from one of the many system checks run by FreshPorts. In the past, I broke the code for determining the master port of a given port. I then added safety mechanisms to ensure that the next time I break it, I find out quickly. These tests run every hour on the hour.

There are two master port checks (the link goes to the periodic script for that check):

  1. queries the database
  2. checks via make -V

The emails (subject: FAILED: MASTER_PORT) contained:

make -V MASTER_PORT on sysutils/bacula15-client does not give 'sysutils/bacula15-server'\nInstead, it gives '
make: stopped in /'.

I found these log entries on each host:

cd: /usr/ports/sysutils/bacula15-client: No such file or directory
make: cannot open /usr/ports/sysutils/bacula15-client/Makefile.

This message is from the checks via make -V script linked above. The following is the script which is invoked by that periodic:

[12:49 dvl-ingress01 dvl ~/scripts] % cat

# This scripts invokes the chroot for freshports and works off the Makefile
# see also which queries the database.

if [ ! -f ]
	echo " not found by $0"
	exit 1


if [ $OFFLINE = 1 ]
	exit 0


# this always tests against head
COMMAND="/usr/local/bin/sudo /usr/sbin/jexec ${FRESHPORTS_JAIL_NAME} ${FRESHPORTS_JAIL_MASTER_PORT_SCRIPT} ${PORTSDIR} sysutils/bacula15-client"

if [ "${MASTER_PORT}X" != "${MASTER}X" ]
	echo "make -V MASTER_PORT on sysutils/bacula15-client does not give '${MASTER}'\nInstead, it gives '${MASTER_PORT}'." | mail -s "FAILED: MASTER_PORT" ${ADMINEMAIL}

More logs

One FreshPorts node (dvl) also had these messages, but I suspect they are an entirely other issue. No other nodes had this particular issue.

Feb 19 09:57:41 dvl-ingress01 FreshPorts[13518]: sleeping for 120 seconds after git checkout failed for (/jails/freshports/usr/ports d3fd93e6c3568866e6108d0ceb9816f1f8701327) (/usr/local/libexec/freshports) 
Feb 19 09:59:43 dvl-ingress01 FreshPorts[13518]: sleeping for 240 seconds after git checkout failed for (/jails/freshports/usr/ports d3fd93e6c3568866e6108d0ceb9816f1f8701327) (/usr/local/libexec/freshports) 
Feb 19 10:01:44 dvl-ingress01 FreshPorts[13518]: sleeping for 360 seconds after git checkout failed for (/jails/freshports/usr/ports d3fd93e6c3568866e6108d0ceb9816f1f8701327) (/usr/local/libexec/freshports)
Feb 19 10:03:46 dvl-ingress01 FreshPorts[13518]: sleeping for 480 seconds after git checkout failed for (/jails/freshports/usr/ports d3fd93e6c3568866e6108d0ceb9816f1f8701327) (/usr/local/libexec/freshports) 
Feb 19 10:05:47 dvl-ingress01 FreshPorts[13518]: sleeping for 600 seconds after git checkout failed for (/jails/freshports/usr/ports
Feb 19 11:55:05 dvl-ingress01 FreshPorts[13518]: sleeping for 7080 seconds after git checkout failed for (/jails/freshports/usr/ports d3fd93e6c3568866e6108d0ceb9816f1f8701327) (/usr/local/libexec/freshports) 
Feb 19 11:57:07 dvl-ingress01 FreshPorts[13518]: sleeping for 7200 seconds after git checkout failed for (/jails/freshports/usr/ports d3fd93e6c3568866e6108d0ceb9816f1f8701327) (/usr/local/libexec/freshports) 
Feb 19 11:59:10 dvl-ingress01 FreshPorts[13518]: sleeping for 7320 seconds after git checkout failed for (/jails/freshports/usr/ports d3fd93e6c3568866e6108d0ceb9816f1f8701327) (/usr/local/libexec/freshports) 
Feb 19 12:01:11 dvl-ingress01 FreshPorts[13518]: sleeping for 7440 seconds after git checkout failed for (/jails/freshports/usr/ports d3fd93e6c3568866e6108d0ceb9816f1f8701327) (/usr/local/libexec/freshports)

This is the update to multimedia/obs-studio on 2024Q1. Remember that branch name for the next section of his post.

I am not sure why this one node was having issues pulling that commit out of git.


My theory: it’s a race condition.

Here’s an idea: the script assumes it is running off HEAD, what if it had 2024Q1 checked out (for the above mentioned commit)? sysutils/bacula15-server did not enter the tree until 28 Mar 2024, after 2024Q1 was branched.

The solution: don’t run the checks directly from periodic, instead, queue them up to run after a commit has been process.

Here is a related issue.

Still processing

This was added to the original post at 1306 UTC. That dvl node is still having processing issues. I’ll have to look at it later:

Feb 19 12:03:12 dvl-ingress01 FreshPorts[13518]: sleeping for 7560 seconds after git checkout failed for (/jails/freshports/usr/ports d3fd93e6c3568866e6108d0ceb9816f1f8701327) (/usr/local/libexec/freshports) 
Feb 19 12:05:14 dvl-ingress01 FreshPorts[13518]: sleeping for 7680 seconds after git checkout failed for (/jails/freshports/usr/ports d3fd93e6c3568866e6108d0ceb9816f1f8701327) (/usr/local/libexec/freshports) 
Feb 19 12:07:15 dvl-ingress01 FreshPorts[13518]: sleeping for 7800 seconds after git checkout failed for (/jails/freshports/usr/ports d3fd93e6c3568866e6108d0ceb9816f1f8701327) (/usr/local/libexec/freshports) 
Feb 19 12:59:54 dvl-ingress01 FreshPorts[13518]: sleeping for 10920 seconds after git checkout failed for (/jails/freshports/usr/ports d3fd93e6c3568866e6108d0ceb9816f1f8701327) (/usr/local/libexec/freshports) 
Feb 19 13:01:55 dvl-ingress01 FreshPorts[13518]: sleeping for 11040 seconds after git checkout failed for (/jails/freshports/usr/ports d3fd93e6c3568866e6108d0ceb9816f1f8701327) (/usr/local/libexec/freshports)

Found it

So I’m not sure how it happened, but it happened. Here’s how I tracked it down. Some output has been modified to avoid scrolling.

[16:53 dvl-ingress01 dvl ~] % ps auwwx | grep perl
freshports 13518  0.0  0.0 57920 43080  -  IJ   09:57   0:01.38 /usr/local/bin/perl /usr/local/libexec/freshports/ 

That’s the commit it is still trying to process. Let’s look at that log:

[16:54 dvl-ingress01 dvl /var/db/freshports/message-queues/spooling] % tail -50 2025.


num of params = 2
/usr/local/bin/git fetch
/usr/local/bin/git checkout d3fd93e6c3568866e6108d0ceb9816f1f8701327
error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by checkout:
Please commit your changes or stash them before you switch branches.

sleeping for 24600 seconds after git checkout failed for (/jails/freshports/usr/ports d3fd93e6c3568866e6108d0ceb9816f1f8701327)
fetch failed, sleeping...
about to git checkout = '/usr/local/bin/sudo /usr/local/libexec/freshports/ /jails/freshports/usr/ports d3fd93e6c3568866e6108d0ceb9816f1f8701327 2>&1'

Ahh, I made some changes in there and did not revert them. That’s a long time ago.

Let’s fix that:

[16:54 dvl-ingress01 dvl /var/db/freshports/message-queues/spooling] % cd /jails/freshports/usr/ports
[16:54 dvl-ingress01 dvl /jails/freshports/usr/ports] % git status
HEAD detached at 792ecada9ce3
Changes not staged for commit:
  (use "git add ..." to update what will be committed)
  (use "git restore ..." to discard changes in working directory)
	modified:   security/vuxml/vuln/2023.xml

no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")

Let’s look at the change, yeah, that looks like something I might have been mucking about with.

[16:54 dvl-ingress01 dvl /jails/freshports/usr/ports] % git diff security/vuxml/vuln/2023.xml
diff --git a/security/vuxml/vuln/2023.xml b/security/vuxml/vuln/2023.xml
index 74e0306ae776..a87122f33f99 100644
--- a/security/vuxml/vuln/2023.xml
+++ b/security/vuxml/vuln/2023.xml
@@ -1,64 +1,3 @@
-    electron{26,27} -- multiple vulnerabilities
-       electron26
-       26.6.3
-       electron27
-       27.2.0

Electron developers report:


This update fixes the following vulnerabilities:

  • Security: backported fix for CVE-2023-6508.
  • -
  • Security: backported fix for CVE-2023-7024.
  • -
- -
- - CVE-2023-6508 - - CVE-2023-7024 - - - - 2023-12-21 - 2023-12-22 - -
- - - gitea -- Prefix Truncation Attack against ChaCha20-Poly1305 and Encrypt-then-MAC aka Terrapin - - - gitea - 1.21.3 - - - - -

The Gitea team reports:



- -
- - - - - 2023-12-19 - 2023-12-21 - -
- gitea -- missing permission checks

Let’s restore:

[16:54 dvl-ingress01 dvl /jails/freshports/usr/ports] % sudo        git restore security/vuxml/vuln/2023.xml
[16:54 dvl-ingress01 dvl /jails/freshports/usr/ports] % git branch
* (HEAD detached at 792ecada9ce3)

What’s the status?

HEAD detached at 792ecada9ce3
Changes not staged for commit:
  (use "git add/rm ..." to update what will be committed)
  (use "git restore ..." to discard changes in working directory)
	deleted:    .mailmap
	modified:   CHANGES
	modified:   COPYRIGHT
	modified:   GIDs
	modified:   MOVED
	modified:   Makefile
	deleted:    Mk/Features/

no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")

Let’s get out of here.

[16:57 dvl-ingress01 dvl /jails/freshports/usr/ports] % sudo git checkout main
Updating files: 100% (14711/14711), done.
Previous HEAD position was d3fd93e6c356 multimedia/obs-studio: Broken on armv7
Switched to branch 'main'
Your branch is behind 'origin/main' by 46898 commits, and can be fast-forwarded.
  (use "git pull" to update your local branch)

That’s a lot of commits.

[16:57 dvl-ingress01 dvl /jails/freshports/usr/ports] % sudo git pull
Updating e645e190fe78..bbcfadbf2ef1
Updating files: 100% (63843/63843), done.
 .mailmap                                                                                                                             |     2 +
 CHANGES                                                                                                                              |   121 +-                                                                                                                      |    10 +-
 COPYRIGHT                                                                                                                            |     2 +-
 GIDs                                                                                                                                 |    60 +-
 MOVED                                                                                                                                |  1193 +-
 Makefile                                                                                                                             |     5 +-
 Mk/Features/                                                                                                                   |     2 +
 Mk/Features/                                                                                                                   |     4 +
 x11/yakuake/Makefile                                                                                                                 |    11 +-
 x11/yakuake/distinfo                                                                                                                 |     6 +-
 x11/yakuake/pkg-plist                                                                                                                |     4 +-
 x11/yelp/Makefile                                                                                                                    |     4 +-
 61823 files changed, 1695414 insertions(+), 1282199 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 Mk/Features/
 create mode 100644 Mk/Uses/
 create mode 100644 Mk/Uses/
 create mode 100644 Mk/Uses/
 create mode 100644 x11/xwayland-satellite/Makefile.crates
 create mode 100644 x11/xwayland-satellite/distinfo
 create mode 100644 x11/xwayland-satellite/pkg-descr
[16:58 dvl-ingress01 dvl /jails/freshports/usr/ports] %                                                                            

Current status:

[16:58 dvl-ingress01 dvl /jails/freshports/usr/ports] % git status                                                                 
HEAD detached at 55521c087a80
nothing to commit, working tree clean

That status is OK. There is a backlog of 88 commits to get caught up on.

NOTE: this was not production. This was my private working copy.

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