Time to clear out the distfiles

It’s time to clear old distfiles. Based on Moving distfiles to a new filesystem & deleting unused distfiles, I did the following on the aws-1-ingress01 jail.

In short:

  1. fetch index
  2. list DISTFILES used by index
  3. remove DISTFILES not used by index

The commands:

root@freshports:/usr/ports # make fetchindex
/usr/bin/env  fetch -am -o /usr/ports/INDEX-14.xz  https://download.FreeBSD.org/ports/index/INDEX-14.xz
/usr/ports/INDEX-14.xz                                1864 kB   18 MBps    00s
root@freshports:/usr/ports # ls -l

root@freshports:/usr/ports # ls -lh INDE*
-rw-r--r--  1 root wheel   46M Mar 24 10:30 INDEX-14

root@freshports:/usr/ports # du -ch -d 0 /usr/ports/distfiles/
 87G	/usr/ports/distfiles/
 87G	total

root@freshports:/ # sh list-current-distfiles.sh  > /tmp/distfiles-to-keep
ld-elf.so.1: /lib/libcxxrt.so.1: version CXXABI_1.3.11 required by /lib/libc++.so.1 not found
make: "/usr/ports/Mk/Uses/compiler.mk" line 105: warning: "/usr/bin/clang --version" returned non-zero status
make: "/usr/ports/Mk/Uses/compiler.mk" line 134: warning: "c++ -### /dev/null 2>&1" returned non-zero status

... so much output ...

make: "/usr/ports/Mk/Uses/compiler.mk" line 105: warning: "/usr/bin/clang --version" returned non-zero status
make: "/usr/ports/Mk/Uses/compiler.mk" line 134: warning: "c++ -### /dev/null 2>&1" returned non-zero status

root@freshports:/ # wc -l /tmp/distfiles-to-keep
  191983 /tmp/distfiles-to-keep

root@freshports:/ # find /usr/ports/distfiles -type f | grep -v -f /tmp/current-distfiles | xargs rm

root@freshports:/ # du -ch -d 0 /usr/ports/distfiles/
 42G	/usr/ports/distfiles/
 42G	total
root@freshports:/ # 

Done. Perhaps next time, I’ll code this into a monthly periodic script.

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