Author name: Dan Langille

I've been playing with Open Source software, starting with FreeBSD, since New Zealand Post installed DSL on my street in 1998. From there, I started writing at The FreeBSD Diary, moving my work here after I discovered WordPress. Along the way, I started the BSDCan and PGCon conferences. I slowly moved from software development into full time systems administration and now work for very-well known company who has been a big force in the security industry.

My ansible changes when deploying a new host

This is more for my own sanity for the next time I deploy a new FreshPorts host. There is no useful information here for anyone else. Base this upon the existing host: svn cp host_vars/ host_vars/NEWHOST svn cp roles/postgresql-server/templates/hosts/ roles/postgresql-server/templates/hosts/NEWHOST Edit these files: host_vars/NEWHOST roles/postgresql-server/templates/hosts/NEWHOST/pg_hba.conf.j2 roles/postgresql-server/templates/hosts/NEWHOST/postgresql.conf.j2 Create ssl certs for: NEWHOST

My ansible changes when deploying a new host Read More »

Getting the pkg-plist contents for a FreeBSD port/package

One of the lesser known FreshPorts features is searching pkg-plist. You want nslookup and dig but you can’t find the package which installs that. The FreshPorts search can find it for you. When a new commit occurs for a given port, FreshPorts extracts and store the pkg-plist information. This allows you to search. How does

Getting the pkg-plist contents for a FreeBSD port/package Read More »

ignore case when browsing to a cat/port – the details of how to do that

This idea came to me today from swills: stupid question, would it be possible to make the urls on freshports case insensitive? so that like would go to After confirming this was for manually typed URLs (as opposed to generated links), I started looking into it. This is what I found. In this

ignore case when browsing to a cat/port – the details of how to do that Read More »

for git commits which is better: ‘Rename A to B’ or’ Delete A; Add B’

In my recent post, my conclusion preferred Rename over Delete & Add. Now I’ve changed my mind. I looked at the code, and the database. Now I prefer Delete & Add. The database In the database, there is no way to represent the Rename action without modifying the structure of the commit_log_elements table: The change_type

for git commits which is better: ‘Rename A to B’ or’ Delete A; Add B’ Read More »

subversion vs git – in the database

I want to document some of the not-visible differences between a git commit and a subversion commit when in the database. subversion git id 808224 808303 message_id a1d2d5b40fba4186daf29b2b2e9ff2dd8b7d8039 message_date 2020-07-09 18:12:06+00 2020-07-09 18:12:06+00 message_subject svn commit: r541803 – in head/devel: . py-absl-py [null] date_added 2020-07-09 18:39:53.510006+00 2020-07-09 18:59:49.863092+00 commit_date 2020-07-09 18:12:06+00 2020-07-09 18:12:06+00 committer

subversion vs git – in the database Read More »

Manual initiation of git commit processing

This is another post in the FreshPorts-git series. Yesterday was good progress. This morning (at Sat Jul 4 13:05:10 UTC 2020) I manually initiated another import of commits from git. It looked like this: This created one XML file for each git commit. The files are dropped into the ~freshports/messages-queues/incoming directory. The freshports-git daemon (well,

Manual initiation of git commit processing Read More »

Setting up a FreeBSD ports git repo for FreshPorts usage

I’m documenting this as a go along because I’m sure I’ll be doing something that I later wish I had written down. Create the repo This creates a FreeBSD git-based port repo. echo git clone /var/db/freshports/ports-jail/var/db/repos/PORTS-head-git | sudo su -l freshports The latest local commit This tells us the hash of the latest commit

Setting up a FreeBSD ports git repo for FreshPorts usage Read More »

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