
Commit cache clearing

Following on from yesterdays Quarterly branches: what’s next? and Processing commits on branches with git, I’ve started in on clearing commits from cache. The code First step, create a table which looks like this: freshports.devgit=# \d cache_clearing_commits Table “public.cache_clearing_commits” Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default —————–+—————————–+———–+———-+——— commit_to_clear | text | | not

Commit cache clearing Read More »

procedure OK under 10.6 but starts acting up under 11.1

I originally documented this so I would have a reference while tracking down the problem. I have since solved the issue and you can jump to the bottom of this post to find the solution. What I do not know is why this was not an issue under PostgreSQL 10.6 but was under PostgreSQL 11.1.

procedure OK under 10.6 but starts acting up under 11.1 Read More »