Author name: Dan Langille

I've been playing with Open Source software, starting with FreeBSD, since New Zealand Post installed DSL on my street in 1998. From there, I started writing at The FreeBSD Diary, moving my work here after I discovered WordPress. Along the way, I started the BSDCan and PGCon conferences. I slowly moved from software development into full time systems administration and now work for very-well known company who has been a big force in the security industry.

Creating the new repo base directories

This article was originally written in September 2012, but never published. I’m publishing it today, much later than expected. I started looking at how to create these new directories as mentioned yesterday. This starts the process: $ psql psql (9.0.8, server 9.0.9) Type “help” for help. select Element_Add(‘/base/head’, ‘D’); element_add ————- 453742 (1

Creating the new repo base directories Read More »

‘This ports is required by’ shows deleted ports

As brooks@ pointed out recently, the list of ports under ‘This ports is required by’ includes deleted ports. Brooks is trying to kill off devel/llvm and lang/clang in their current form. However, devel/llvm shows that lang/copper and lang/ldc-devel depend on it, but those two ports have been deleted. This should be rather straight foreword. I’ll

‘This ports is required by’ shows deleted ports Read More »

FreshSource getting outdated

Tonight I found out that FreshSource is getting out of date. Xride told me that the display commit was no longer working. For example, gives a blank page. Checking the web logs, I see the cause: [Fri Oct 25 02:59:35 2013] [error] [client] PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function freshports_cvsweb_Revision_Link() in /usr/local/www/

FreshSource getting outdated Read More »

XML::Writer upgrade causes fatal error

I recently upgraded a non-public FreshPorts server from FreeBSD 8.2 to FreeBSD 8.4 using freebsd-update(8). As part of that process, I refreshed all the installed third-party applications via portupgrade(1). After this process was completed, I started noticing these errors: Use of uninitialized value $newOutput in string eq at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.12/XML/ line 473, line 109. What port

XML::Writer upgrade causes fatal error Read More »

subversion upgrade causes commit processing problems

I upgraded my development copy of FreshPorts and ran into a problem. I kept seeing this in the logs: Jun 26 11:30:15 ngaio FreshPorts[37555]: sleeping after svn up failed for (/wdc/dan/PORTS-SVN ” 321793) Jun 26 11:34:25 ngaio FreshPorts[38219]: sleeping after svn up failed for (/wdc/dan/PORTS-SVN ” 321794) Jun 26 11:02:09 ngaio FreshPorts[30361]: sleeping after svn

subversion upgrade causes commit processing problems Read More »

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