Author name: Dan Langille

I've been playing with Open Source software, starting with FreeBSD, since New Zealand Post installed DSL on my street in 1998. From there, I started writing at The FreeBSD Diary, moving my work here after I discovered WordPress. Along the way, I started the BSDCan and PGCon conferences. I slowly moved from software development into full time systems administration and now work for very-well known company who has been a big force in the security industry. 7.2 causes deadlock

The much-anticipated 7.2 commit has occurred. Unfortunately, the commit is causing a deadlock on FreshPorts. The error message I see is: [36978]: [1-1] 2007-05-20 00:01:55.591 EDT 36978 ERROR: deadlock detected [1-2] 2007-05-20 00:01:55.591 EDT 36978 DETAIL: Process 36978 waits for ShareLock on transaction 15047015; blocked by [1-3] process 37015. [1-4] Process 37015 7.2 causes deadlock Read More »

Design contest results

The deadline for voting has passed. The Candidates | The Contest Details The table holding the results is: \d design_results Table “public.design_results” Column | Type | Modifiers ———+————–+————————————————————- id | integer | not null default nextval(‘design_results_id_seq’::regclass) user_id | integer | not null choice1 | character(1) | not null choice2 | character(1) | not null

Design contest results Read More »

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