Moving from storing the tsvector values to a tsvector index

This post documents how I’m changing the search methods for pkg-message. It uses full-text search, but instead of using a special column, I’m going to use an index. I will elaborate. When searching pkg-message was added to the website, a different approach was taken than in the past. In Converting a column-based expression to a

Moving from storing the tsvector values to a tsvector index Read More »

When tsvector was working as expected on most hosts, but not one

One of the primary uses for FreshPorts is searching various characteristics of the ports. One highly used search feature is pkg-messages (background at pkg-message). A problem which has been vexing me for about 2 months was the lack of results on prod, but results which worked on dev. The issue was raised on GitHub. Initially,

When tsvector was working as expected on most hosts, but not one Read More »

New links to GitLab and GitHub, in addition to the exist

Based on the Add links to GitHub and GitLab mirrors for ports and commits request, the website has some new links arriving soon. Link to GitHub from each commit A similar link to GitLab Use the one you like. Each git web interface has it’s own followers. Also, while there, the commit hash at the

New links to GitLab and GitHub, in addition to the exist Read More »

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